Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Feb 9th, 2010

Things don't always go as planned. especially when you have ms. I have been fighting many battles and the road has split in many directions for me. My solo CD still needs work to be completed. Some of that is my fault and some of it is not being able to pin down guest musicians for parts I would like to add. I am having a hard time holding a guitar pick and playing the guitar right now. I'm having to tape the pick in my fingers and try to play. Most days I just can't strum in the rhythm I need. This leads to give up for the day and the next thing you know weeks have gone by. I have also been preoccupied by one of my side projects. Writing songs and doing vocals for a rock project called "Evil Diesel". I can play sloppy guitar tracks and my buddy Nate does them over for me. As long as I get the idea across to him it all works out great. Drums were recorded for 8 tracks so far and the guitar is almost done. Bass needs to be added and I need to do the final vocals for them. This has changed my mood for writing stuff right now and I'm staying in the moment. Back to one might have to wait a little longer to be finished. SBTS has also been put on the back burner for now. I'm not sure what really will happen with that project. A few bumps in the road have come up with that project. The way things are looking right now is "Evil Diesel" will be the first project done. It is something completely different from anything you could ever imagine. You will be shocked when you hear it. I have heard 4 of the tracks that are nearly complete and it amazes me to listen to it and know that it's us. It's been so easy to fall into, we should have done this 15 years ago. It's what I've wanted to do for a long time but just never even tried. It's raw and loud and just puts it all out there. I love doing the acoustic stuff and need to finish Back to one but I guess the time just isn't right for that one. I will finish Back to one, I'm just not sure when. I have also been working on my second book and continue to write a little each day. I have read it quite a few times also trying to see what areas need more or less detail. It's so hard to break your life down into these little sections. I will keep this book short also so the reader doesn't get bored. My ms has been jacking with me but not knocking me out. The usual problems with my hands and the feeling of broken ribs. Some days my hands feel so inflamed that it feels like they are going to pop. I know that the Tysabri infusions are making me feel better in general but I still have the normal little problems that just wont go away. It's no where as bad as it was last year but some days just really suck. Fatigue has been kicking my ass but I probably do too much anyway. The days that I want to play my guitar and my hands just wont allow it are a kick in the crotch. I loose my momentum and the song writing for that day is lost. My legs have felt much better on Tysabri. I still have bad days and they are weak on some days but nothing is perfect. I have an mri coming up next month and that will tell me if I have any new brain or spine lesions. I am confidant that the results will be positive. I am fairly certain that most of the damage and pain that I deal with today was caused during my very first attack. It went on too long without proper treatment. That's just how it played out. No one knew what the hell was wrong with me and it kept running wild until I found my neurologist in 2006 that helped me fight back. He is still my doc today and we are still fighting. I hope to knock all of my projects out by or before this summer. I will let you know more details soon.

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